Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My One Cent

I've been thinking about this day for months!

That's right... months!!

(No, goofball. I didn't sit down and plan out months ago that I would be excited on a Tuesday in September just for the hell of it. I have a reason. You just have to sit tight and find out what it is with the rest of the Everyones.)

This blog post that you're reading....

Yes, this very post right here...


How incredible is that?!

I have, over the year-and-some-undetermined-number-of-months-that-I-really-don't-feel-like-counting, been excited to entertain and amaze you with the stories of my Shenanigans. The exciting characters and plot lines here are just too juicy to make up - It's wonderful to have this safe space here with you to share these little tidbits and hopefully a smile or two along the way.

So how did I celebrate this momentous occasion, you ask?

(As well you should ask. It's a momentous occasion indeed, and deserves celebrating.)

This morning, I shipped Boyfriend of Amazingness off for an overnight work 'do. But not before making sure he was well and thoroughly infected with some sort of jungle plague. Sniffles? Check. Cough? Check. Wheeze? Super check. Then I just had to wake him up early and push him out the door.**1

I spent most of the morning frantically trying to get caught up on projects.

When I wasn't frantically trying to get caught up on projects, I was thundering around my cubby with steam pouring out of my ears.

See, this wasn't a particularly momentous occasion for the Coworkers-From-A-Former-Life. So they thought perhaps today would be as good a day as any to subject my hair to third-degree brainburns, instead of bringing me cuppycakes.

Which prompts me to end this blog post the way this whole Blog idea began:

Public Service Announcement 
to Users of the "Carbon Copy" Feature On E-mails

Thank you for your efforts to completely undermine an entire team of hard workers with your carbon-copied shenanigans. Not only did you succeed in involving four additional people on an e-mail that required only three from the very beginning, but you did so with such zest and authority that you managed to alienate two of the (arguably) kindest individuals in the entire building. With that, you have demoted yourself quite thoroughly to the bottom of my proverbial totem pole. Beware: If you sniff while you're down there you'll probably pick up an earthworm.

Upon taking charge, you promptly decided that the previously involved individuals must have spent the past week-and-a-half munching on bonbons and enjoying adorable YouTube videos of How To Wrap Your Cat for Christmas.**1 I assure you that this wasn't the case. I do thank you, though, for being there to tell us each step we needed to take - without a premonition of your firm and understanding guidance, we would never have gone through exactly the same steps a week prior, and would have most certainly needed to ask for additional assistance today.

Oh, wait.


**1 Shoutout, Mom. I love you! Thank you for making the ungiggly days more giggly with your YouTube finds.

Also: Shoutout to Boyfriend of Amazingness, who won't see this because he thinks he hears all the stories fresh from the Sunny's mouth. Which isn't wrong. But still. Sometimes my clever phrasing is more clever in writing. So here's to you, my wonderfully patient sounding board. Thank you for listening while I sit on the couch and steam during your videogames and your favorite sitcoms. And thank you for sharing your own horror stories, too, so I know that I'm not on this little adventure through occasional malcontent alone.

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