Friday, May 17, 2013

Ruined for Others

This blog post isn't about Boyfriend of Amazingness... although I'm certain that the title led you to think it absolutely had to be.

No... instead, this post is about pancakes.

This past Sunday was Mother's Day. When I think of Mother's Day, I consider a day mostly celebrated by individuals who buy flowers and remember that they probably ought to thank their Mom for being awesome.

This is simply not how we roll.

Much like our response to Valentine's Day, Boyfriend of Amazingness and I (along with our moms) think that it's pretty important to love people every day, not just on the arbitrary date that the calendar dictates.

Sometimes that means "Hey, Mom, it's Tuesday... wanna get dinner together just because?"

Sometimes it means "No, we don't have any real plans today, except for relaxing. It's not a problem for us to come take a look at your lawn mower. Just give us a few minutes to get dressed and we'll hit the road."

And sometimes it's just a "Hi, I wanted to call and tell you I love you."

Earlier this month, I wrote my Mom a post to thank her for being my Mom.

On Saturday, we went out to a little yarn shop and checked that out together.

And on Sunday, my sister asked me to bring Mom to the restaurant where she (sister) works so she (sister) could cook her (Mom) breakfast.

It's that breakfast that brings me here today.

My sister is pretty incredible in the kitchen.

(Actually, she's incredible everywhere. It's just what she does.)

I'm not a huge morning person. It takes me a little time to get going, and then a little more time to figure out which end is up before I'm ready to eat.

But when I looked at the menu on Sunday - even in my caffeine-less state - something jumped out immediately:

Cheesecake Pancakes with Blueberry Sauce.

My God.

These pancakes, I'm pretty certain, were made of pure magic.

I don't know how they did it.

I only know I'll never - not ever - be able to replicate it with any degree of success.

Firstly, they were the perfect temperature. When I make pancakes at home, I often make a full batch and then (and ONLY then) will I sit down with Boyfriend of Amazingness to dine upon them. Which means that, often, they're tepid and slightly soggy by the time it's time to eat.

These were piping hot. And by piping, I mean that I had to funnel up my face and blow little smoke rings so my tongue wouldn't spontaneously combust. They were the perfect temperature.

Secondly, they actually tasted like cheesecake. When I ordered them, I wasn't certain what to expect. Would there be little chunks of soggy cheesecake in the batter? Would it be weird?

No. It was the perfect mixture of cheesecake magic without losing the pancake consistency.

Thirdly, there was no butter on them. That's the best way to ruin a pancake for me - I don't want butter all up in there. I want to taste the syrupy goodness and nothing else.

And that's exactly what I tasted. The blueberry sauce over the cheesecakey goodness left me thinking "Yum... I just ate the best cheesecake I've ever had in my life."

I've been ruined for all other pancakes.


Inquiring Minds Want to Know:

"Sunny, where did you get these amazing pancakes? They sound so fabulous that I simply must get some of my very own!"

Well, ReaderFriends, I wish you all the best with that endeavor... However, they were served for breakfast at a restaurant which only opened for breakfast on Mother's Day. They're typically only open after 2:00 p.m., at which point they don't often serve pancakes. However, I'm not one to crush a dream so willy nilly - if you'd like to try to find these pancakes for yourself, get in touch with the good folks of the Back Burner restaurant in Brownfield, Maine. You can find more information here.

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