Monday, May 6, 2013


To Individuals Who Are Prone To Social Unhelpfulness

Proximity is nine tenths of the law.

(Or something like that.)

I mean, when you're a child, the closest kid to the empty candy dish is the kid likely to receive the blame.

Likewise, the adult who's standing closest to a guest ought to practice a modicum of hospitality instead of walking straight past them, ignoring them completely in favor of secreting ones self away in a cubby hole and calling someone else to take care of them.

Sure, there are (on rare occasions) exceptions to the rule.

For instance, when the Jehovah's Witnesses knock on my door at 10:00 on a Saturday morning, I run like hell to hide my naked self**1 in the back corner of the kitchen while Boyfriend of Amazingness is left to spin a tale of how I left him heartbroken and alone to go join a gypsy circus.

But we know these Witness folks. And despite our best efforts of ignorance (and our pleas for them to practice the same), they continue to descend upon our domicile.

However, when one doesn't anticipate or know who the guests are, one must at least make an effort.

Now, I recognize that the world is filled to brimming with individuals who have a little trouble with interaction. And while, for the most part, I support the avoidance of discomfort-inducing activities, there are times when discomfort is secondary to the necessity of communication.**2

Thusly, for those non-social types (and anyone wishing to brush up on their basic skills of interaction), I hope to present this helpful hint:

Sunny Smiles' Guide to Practicing Hospitality

Instead of this...

"There's someone waiting for help at ______. [Regular Greeter] isn't here yet and someone needs to come find out what they want."

... I instead offer this option:

"[Visitors] from [company] are here. I wanted to let you know, since [regular greeter] isn't here yet and you're a wonderfully helpful person who I think can take care of this situation. I had them take a seat in the waiting area, but it would be a help if you could come get them to their final destination."

If someone is standing there, Reader Friend, talk to them. I promise, society as a whole isn't quite so scary as you think. And they're even less scary if you (brace yourself for this...) help them. Then they aren't quite so inclined to stare pointedly at you - or worse, attempt to communicate with you*3... - as you walk by pretending that they don't exist.

It's crazy, but it works.

And maybe, someday, someone will help you without being asked. It's like a big helpful circle.

But it's gotta start somewhere.

Why not with you?


**1  Yes, that's right. I'm an actively practicing member of the Naked Saturday club.

**2 Sometimes I gotta kill me a spider. Sometimes you gotta talk to someone you don't know. If it helps, you can hold your shoe in your hand while you do it. It works for me.

**2 ADDENDUM: Do not hit the guest with your shoe. That's the opposite of helpful.

**3 The horror...

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