Monday, July 2, 2012

Riddle Me This...

Public Service Announcement
There is a certain protocol to Answering Questions of which you seem to be unaware. Let me enlighten you.
It is hardly ever acceptable to interrupt as the question is being asked. While it might better your chances of having a correct answer if you make up the question yourself, it almost guarantees that you will not give the answer that I need.
Nor does it help our situation when you phrase your answer as a restatement of my original question. While I commend your ability to use angry intonation, sarcasm and pique as tools to turn my words against me, it will not stop me from asking the question again. You're just making me wonder what else you've got up your sleeve.
I do not give up lightly. I will seek information elsewhere if you are unable to provide worthwhile guidance. And I won't gloss over the fact that you drowned your helpfulness in a lake of douchery.
And finally, please remember that you, too, are likely to someday be in a position of subordination. I know... the horror and injustice of it all... - so it might be in your better interests not to belittle the person who, someday, might have the answer your questions. You never know what situation you'll find yourself in where my knowledge could help you sink or swim.
I could be your ally, or we could do battle until one of us limps off into the sunset. But remember... they call me the Warrior Princess for a reason.
Don't make me use my battle cry.

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