Friday, October 4, 2013


I know I've mentioned more than once that we're preparing for our housewarming party.

And although it may be cliche...

And although it may be pooh-poohed by our friends...

I want to have a guest book.

See, to me, this house is a big deal. Boyfriend of Amazingness and I are not married and have no immediate plans to modify that situation. So signing the paperwork for a thirty-year contract together on the house was our commitment to one another.

And, yes... he carried me over the threshold.

As such an important mark of commitment, it's important to me to have somewhere for our friends to leave their mark.

But I know that a typical guest book isn't our style.

It would get filled out by family memebrs and a few select guests, and would then be left on a shelf to collect dust.

So where does that leave me?

It leaves me with two options:

1.) Give each friend a Sharpie and wish them luck, leaving myself open to finding "Good luck, and best wishes!" written in corners and on baseboards throughout our home...


2.) Getting creative, and finding an alternative solution that we can display proudly without fear of vandalizm striking our home.

I opted for option number two, and a serious session of Pinterest has commenced.

  • Paper keys, with key tags for the well wishes. Keys would then be hung on a pinboard over the mantle
  • A globe, with a heart around our new hometown and space around the rest of the world for well wishes
  • A print of our state, with a heart over our new hometown and space around for well wishes
I know I can figure this out... but Pinterest is a vast and time-sucking land. Send reinforcements, ReaderFriends. I may need help to get out alive.

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