Friday, October 5, 2012

Grand (Mis)Adventures

It Was An Overcast and Drizzly Evening...
...Not so terribly long ago...
...When our amazing heroine Sunny was storming about the vicinity...
(and by storming, I mean that she was stomping around not with anger, but with pride in her totally stompable Mighty Boots of Sunniness)
...and wreaking general havoc on personages therein.
(Which sounds so much more interesting than the photocopying she was actually doing.)
Aware, but blissfully untroubled by the Visitor's Badge flapping against her hip.
(This is an important plot point, ReaderFriends. Remember this.)
She stomped through the Printing Area, making her copies...
(and thinking how awesome it would be if she were a Tyrannasaurus Rex, with itty bitty arms that couldn't reach the copier output tray... so she would have carte blanche just to stomp around and be terrifying.)
...And she stomped through the hallways, delivering paperwork...
(and seriously considering growling at her coworkers with a toothy grin...)
...And then, her rampaging complete, she stomped onto the elevator and got ready to go home.
The doors dinged shut as she hit the button to take her to the next floor up, where her car keys were anxiously waiting her arrival.
The button lit for only a moment before darkening again...
...And the elevator didn't move.
"What madness is this?!" she exclaimed loudly to herself.
(Which you can do in an elevator - you can be alone and loud all at once.)
She hit the button again... no avail.
She glanced at her watch and realized that the Friendly and Helpful Concierge had shut down the elevators for the night and gone home.
"Ha! This will not defeat me!" she exclaimed.
(Remember - she can do that. Elevator magic.)
She reached down for her badge...
...Her badge...
...That was still in her car.
Where she had left it that morning, because she was too lazy to go all the way back to the parking garage and retrieve it when she realized that she forgot to bring it in to the office in the first place.
(In her defense... it's a very long walk. And there are stairs.)
She only had the Visitor's Badge.
Which meant she only had the Visitor's Priviledges.
And those priviledges did not include accessing company floors after hours.
But what's our heroine to do? Her car keys were at her desk... And all the elevators were locked.
Not dismayed for more than a moment...
(for just one moment, there was a little dismay. But it's totally understandable, and totally okay. There wasn't wallowing or anything.)
...she took out her trusty cell phone and called her office neighbor.
"Please, oh please, could you come rescue me?" Sunny pleaded.
"Of course!" chirped the wonderfully generous coworker. "Hold very still. I'll be right along."
So Sunny, being a helpful sort, stayed very still in the elevator.
But the elevator did not stay very still.
(It was totally naughty. It would have been sent to time out, but it probably would have fidgeted there, too.)
Instead, it rocketed Sunny to the eighth floor of the building!
"Hmm..." Sunny thought to herself...
(which she had to do silently, because the elevator was suddenly full of other people who can be very intrusive upon Loud Moments Inside An Elevator)
"This isn't what I wanted to do at all."
But Sunny was brave...
...And she greeted the other passengers with a smile.
The other passengers were confused by Sunny the Elevator Dweller, but didn't say anything mean.
Instead, everyone rode in the elevator together.
Down, down, down to the basement.
Sunny hoped that her rescuer would be there.
But she wasn't.
(Really, who can blame her. Sunny had been traipsing about like a Trapisy Explorer.)
Instead, Sunny was greeted by a Random Person From Another Office In The Building.
Sunny put on her bravest smile and approached him.
"Excuse me, Sir?" she asked hopefully. "Could you please beep me up to my floor?"
The man looked at Sunny...
...And realized that only a very stuck person would be so very desperate.
And so he walked her back onto the elevator, swiped his passcard and pushed the button for her.
(Which she totally could have done herself, but she was appreciative of his effort.)
The button still didn't light up.
The elevator still didn't move.
The man said "I'm sorry..." and walked away.
Sunny smiled and said "Thank you..."
But she also started to feel hopeless.
She was still stuck.
And the overcast evening grew darker...
And the drizzle turned into a heavy mist...
And Sunny's lower lip came dangerously close to adopting a sad tremble.
(The wallowing was eminent.)
Finally, her phone rang!
Hope sparked!
It was her coworker, asking where Sunny was!
"I'm right here!" Sunny said. "I'm still holding still!"
Her coworker didn't believe her, but swooped to the rescue again.
She came downstairs...
...And took Sunny by the hand...
...And walked her back to her cubicle, and to her waiting car keys.
And even gave her a cookie to calm her rattled nerves.
And so everything was okay.
(And the cookie was pretty tasty, too.)
The End

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