Thursday, August 23, 2012

Icky Gross

Sunny's List Of Really Gross Things That Skeeze Her Out In The Office
(And Sometimes Other Places Too):
  • Toilet Seats
    • They should not be warm. When I rush into the bathroom in a fit of emergency, it really wigs me out to be greeted by anything other than a seat so cold that it makes me go "Eek!" and breathe in really fast. Anything warmer than that means someone else's posterior has been close by in the not-distant-enough past, and I'm all but rubbing my rump against theirs.**1
    • They should not be wet. Whether from sprinkling tinkles or from over-exuberant flushes that spring up out of the bowl and onto the seat... it's just icky. There isn't enough TP to get the germy feeling off.
  • Drains
    • There should not be hairs in them. Outside of my own shower (which is gross enough with my ever-shedding mane, thank-you-so-much...), I don't want to see hairs. Which means get them out of restroom sinks, kitchens as a whole and especially the drinking fountain.
  • Bugs
    • There are some places I expect to see beetles and spiders and house flies. For instance:
      • A garden
      • My lawn
      • My bedroom**2
    • There are some places where bugs should not under any circumstances, make themselves comfortable. For instance:
      • My snack
      • My cleavage
      • My office chair
  • Keyboards/Calculators/Phones
    • They should not be sticky. Food happens... Sneezes happen... Exploding glue sticks happen... But clean off your damned keyes.Especially if someone has to share your workspace and your sticky buttons.
  • Coffee Cups
    • They should make an attempt at being the color they were when they were made. Now, I'm not saying that a well-loved coffee cup with a stain inside should be tossed out like yesterday's newspaper. But don't dump fresh coffee into something that still has scum in it from your last cuppa. And if you're going to resist the urge to use a scrubbie, at least get a black mug.
With that done... I now return you to your regularly scheduled day.
**1 The same goes for regular chairs, too.
**2 Only when Boyfriend of Amazingness is home to save me, though.

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