Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Snack Time

Dear Rolly-Chair,

Holy shmibbins, you are thorough!

For a moment, I thought that frolicking blueberry that traipsed out of my snack tub (and then rolled down my leg) was going to escape all the way under my wall and into the next cubby.

You took care of that, though...

One would think that you would just push it out of the way, like you do with everything else I drop.... Especially things that I want to run over, like Cheez-Its that would make an ever-so-satisfying CRUNCH at your Wheels of Doom.

But no... a blueberry - which is round and totally roll-able, by the way - will become so entangled in your rolling wheel casing that it will  smear my mat with a blood trail gory enough to raise questions about the apparent slaughter of my desk-dwelling faerie and resultant picture smeared out of her oozing entrails. And it will so thoroughly coat the mat and the wheel that no amount of scrubbing with tissues or Clorox wipes will stop the stickiness.

Really, you're inspiring. Job well done.

With Admiration,


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