Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Self-Induced Insomnia Post

As I begin this post, it is 3:48 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. I am laying in my childhood bed listening to crickets and coyotes outside and realizing just how deeply I have adapted to city life that I can sleep through airplanes taking off and touching down at our local airplanery, but not sleep through the peaceful chirp that used to lull me to sleep every evening.

I shouldn't be awake this late/early. And it's not for lack of trying that I am. I *did* go to bed at a reasonable hour, I promise. But a day of real work has taken its toll, and I currently find myself in that horrid position of having gotten too tired and having worked my intolerant muscles too far the day before and then being awakened in the middle of the night by strange sounds. (I heard the water destinkification machine kick on, and then start draining through our Emergency Drainage System. As a child, I was extremely fortunate to live in a home where my father really knew his stuff and was able to build our home himself, but that means he took some shortcuts... Like attaching the Emergency Drain in the bathroom - for child exuberance in the bathtub - to the Emergency Drain in the wellroom for water system upkeep. That created a weird gurgling from the Emergency Drain in the bathroom, which woke me up in a blind panic that the leaking-pipe-I-have-yet-to-fix had somehow spontaneously burst in July and was flooding the basement-that-has-yet-to-be-hit-by-the-Great-Purge-that-brings-me-here-in-the-first-place. So I rocketed out of bed, asserted that a funny sound was coming from the bathroom, shot into my Mother's bedroom to turn on her light and babble something about "Running water in the basement," ignored her "It's okay - it does that" as early morning babble on HER behalf, and ran to the basement. You'll be surprised - she was right. But by the time I realized, she was already out of bed and on her way down the stairs to make sure I hadn't totally lost my marbles. I love my Mumma. But now, I've put her back to bed and I've worn off my adrenaline and I'm still very much awake.) 

I don't mind being up this early. The aforementioned Father used to get up every single day, without an alarm, between 4 and 4:30 a.m. He would toddle to the kitchen for his coffee from his bedroom immediately above my own, and the sound of his footsteps creaking on the rough hewn joints would stir me from my slumber. I wouldn't get out of bed, but the rest I got between that time and when I really did get up could only be considered "Off and On." And really, I didn't mind. Eventually.

So to be awake this early is reminding me of that. 

But you must be wondering what the real reason for this post is, being that this is a work-flavored blog and *obviously* not a workday post...

Well, my point is that tomorrow is going to suck.

A lot.

Although my current intent is to post this, double check on my Social Networking Site (to make sure nothing has happened in the twenty minutes it's taken me to jot down these thoughts) and then turn the computer off (before it dies) and go back to sleep before my Adventures in Organized Religion (TM) tomorrow. The reality is that I will probably lay here for a while, doze Off and On, and then be useless the rest of the day. Which won't immediately effect me during this Sunshine Period, but *will* create a conundrum on my half-day of work tomorrow, when I really do have the opportunity to take an afternoon nap. Which will then throw me into the expecting-a-nap cycle, which will make 2:00 p.m. every day this work week absolutely intolerable when I have to be awake.

And so, tonight's adventures in the darkness reveal that I really *am* a work-minded individual. If only because I know that my sleeplessness is going to make me tetchy, and my tetchiness induces a lower tolerance for EngineerFriend-isms. 

But for now, as the clock ticks just past 4:00 a.m., my worry should be closing my eyes and keeping my Sunshine for the morning.

Sweet dreams, ReaderFriends, and goodnight.

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